Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Home made Paintbrushes

I had such a wonderful day with my boys today. I had a lot to do, my house needed a little bit more tidying, clean the suburban, paint my mother in laws living room, fix the rabbit hutch, mop etc... but I decided that I needed to just BE with my children. To just play with them and enjoy them and the work was not a must, it could wait till tomorrow!!! It turned into a fabulous day.

I did start off with our regular basic chores: everyone dressed, beds made, rooms picked up, pets fed, personal chores done, each child has a few areas to clean etc so we weren't going to get behind...

then i made a nice lunch of home made whole wheat tortillas and chroizo and eggs for my husband whom i knew was going to be there soon, then we went to his mothers, the children played outside while I painted her living room. It took a whole three hours of my day but the children were behaving great so I finished the job and David went back to work at 1, he only had a lunch break. Then I took the children home at 3pm.

We stopped by the park right next to my house. It really was dark and cloudy and starting to threaten to rain. but I thought " summer is almost over i better squeeze out every last day i can outside" so i ran laps arround our tiny play ground and they played their heart out for like 20 mins. then it really started to rain so we ran!!! LOL it was great I love REALLY playing with them like that. It makes my heart feel so so good...

The fun begings: I helped Alex, Isaiah, and Marcu make homemade paintbrushed out of horses hair, thread and sticks out of our back yard. My sister just trimmed all the horses "bridal path" an inch or two between their ears and gave the boys the hair to take home for this very idea. Then we got out the paint and paper and they each tried out their very own brush. It was wonderful.

then they got out blocks AND tinkertoys, and they thought that was great making a huge mess, because we dont get to do that very often, we try to keep the toys and mess in the buckets and just gently build little projects.. but they made a tornade trail LOL. as long as we got it picked back up before David got home, nobody knew the difference....

all in all a fun fun day...

Havent been on here in a while

Its been a long long time since I have been on here. Life just got busy with all my precious little ones. I had to stop a lot of things and just focus on them for a while. I got a lot of up dating to do for ya, but it might take me a few post to do that. I had a beautiful little girl last December 6th. Another home birth. I still enjoy staying at home with my children. I got to go with my dear David to the home school conference this year for the first time. It was wonderful. I would recommend it to everyone who has children. Homeschooling or not.

David still works for the same counseling business. Work is going well for him. We are very blessed to have such a wonderful stable job that has supported us just fine throughout our marriage. He has talked about continuing school this fall to get another degree. but I'm not sure what is going to happen.

My brother Stephen and my sister Carissa are both married off now :) Praise God it is to two WONDERFUL people. I adore both Kailey and Thomas for what a beautiful addition to our family they are!!! I'm so happy for all four of you....

Here are just a few pics of my children lately....
Isaiah and Alex