Friday, January 11, 2008

My Introduction

I have been married for over 4 years. I have a 3 year old, a 2 year old and a 2 month old. I like staying at home and raising my family. I do have a small daycare... just 2-4 other young kids I watch.

I am looking for a pure Christian church group to gather with and fellowship regularly. My children need some innocent friends to play with... none who have lost their innocence in the public school system. I home school... more like UN school my two boys so far. I don't believe the public school system should be copied in anyway since it has proven to be a failing system. So I don't force my boys to sit and study curriculum. I teach them as my Lord has said in his Holy Word, "when you rise, during the day, and when you lie down at night," just constantly enjoying to learn in a totally unstructured environment.

We own a house in town and I hope to move out in the country soon. I would like to start a small farm. The only animal we have so far is a German Shepherd dog whom we want to breed this summer. I am a homemaker in training. I am learning how to bring my home back into the simple living lifestyle such as:
  • growing and making my own food from scratch,
  • making house hold products like soaps, clothes, cleaners, hygiene products, candles
  • doing laundry by hand and hang drying them
  • my breastfeed, naturally delivered with midwife, diaper free infant :)
  • home taught children
  • very little "Hell-i-vision" ;)
I just want all the garbage of the world to stay away from me... "for as of me and my house... we will serve the Lord."

I want to get on here to find other woman with my desire for their families and learn as much as I can how I can draw my life style and ways closer to him...

1 comment:

Growing In Grace Magazine said...

Thank you for your stand for the KJV!