Friday, October 29, 2010

Can we get TOO comfortable?

I remember a few years ago my grandmother was selling half of her farm and it included the house, to build on and move to the other half of their property. I was too young to understand why someone would do that. I didn't know finances could make life complicated and they needed the money. But when I asked her why? I remember specifically what she said, "because we never want to get too comfortable ". I remember that just sticking out in my mind as so odd, or not making any sense. My goal in life was just the opposite, to get as comfortable as I could. Have lots of fun, get lots of possessions, and experience lots of fun things. It was all about me that mattered the most.Not I reflect back at that, remembering what she said, and I believe I can understand slightly what she ment. That even something that huge in life as moving at that age shouldn't move your focus as to what matters most in life, "God". That should just be viewed as a small inconvenience in the path of life and we need to just move around it and keep going. There is no use of making a big deal about it.

The other, bigger thought I have is that if we have too many possessions, too many "pleasantries", too many fun experiences, we become like the "rich man" in the bible. And what man, having all the riches of his hearts desire, being in need of nothing, is going to want to walk the hard path of life and follow Jesus? what rich man, when the world is in need is going to want to part with any of his riches and bless someone who needs them more? What rich man is going to drop EVERYTHING that he loves so much and want to go home to be with Jesus in the end? You don't just magically stop loving all your possessions when you get old and your life is almost over. You don't just suddenly stop loving everything you have loved your entire life.

We need to always remember to keep God in our focus. Remember that we have needs in life and if they are met then we should be thankful and not take much more than that from life. I challenge you to stop and look at your life today. What do you have in life that is more than you need? You should try to find someone else who could use a blessing and pass on these things so they don't hinder you from loving God or others. So they don't get in the way of what really matters in life.

"Lord, please keep my eyes clear and focused on what is necessary in life. Help me to be able to tell the difference between real needs and pleasantries. Help me to not cling to too much, cluttering up my heart and focus. Help me to teach this lesson to my dear sweet children and not forget it. Help me to never get too comfortable in my daily living. I would rather life be hard and a struggle and be dirt poor; than to be rich and have everything to my heart's content"


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