Saturday, October 2, 2010

A follow up on my HUGEST trial...

A week or so after the DHS lady closed our case...

So since I didn't get to sit through ANY of the seminars at the Home School Conference this year David was sweet and bought me the entire collection on MP3. I was listening through all of them one by one alphabetically and when I got the the "Gs" there was a sweet young mother talking about how precious the young years are. She sounded SO full of love and passion about her own children. SO serious about putting them first and trying so hard. I don't think I have ever heard someone put into words how I have always felt towards my own children... they are my flesh and blood and I don't take that lightly...

At the end of her seminar she mentioned that she had a blog, and I obviously haven't been blogging all last year... well I got on there and just got SWEPT away reading her entire blog in just a few short days!!! Let me tell you I was so so so very encouraged!!!! I though "even if I never meet this dear lady, I know now ... that there does exist mothers out there trying as hard as me (or harder) to raise there children for GOD!!! Silly but that there is hope of finding a wonderful wife for themselves one day, and wonderful friends for them for now!!!!

I realized... the whole picture became clear to me:
My heart had been struggling with motherhood and feeling a huge loss and overwhelming sense of NO PURPOSE OR HOPE.... God brought me through the valley to show me that I just need to obey him and trust that he has a plan.... then I came out the other side to see this BEAUTIFUL meadow full of happy Godly girls: which represented hope to me. I am not the only mother out there with these trials. She has them too, and she is fighting off the world and doing a WONDERFUL job at raising these lovely little ladies!!! God does have a beautiful plan! He does take care of us! He knows what is best... we just need to trust him and follow him, even if it is through a valley!!!

Thank you Father for that lesson. Thank you for not giving up on me! Thank you for not letting me wander or get lost, for calling to me and directing my path! You know what is best for me and my family! You alone! Thank you! Please keep calling to me and never leave me, I need you if I'm going to do a good job with these children! Amen!!! Thank you Lord!!!


Sarah Forbes said...

I had the privileged of hearing Grace speak at the convention. She blessed me abundantly. As a result of her encouragement, I began a 3x5 card catalog of verses I want my boys to learn. We are memorizing them in the car while we drive around town. I too was so encouraged that I was not alone. NEITHER ARE YOU.

Grace said...

I'm so sad to hear about all that you had to go through! Praise the Lord for His protection for your family!

(I'm so thankful that I'm not alone either!)