Thursday, October 14, 2010

Today we played Hockey...Hockey is in full season!!!

Today we played Hockey...

I wish I had gotten these way earlier in life!!! This is now our PE for school!!!! Fun Fun!!!

Here are the boys enjoying Isaiah's new hockey set: two nets, 6 sticks, lots of balls. They didn't have a clue how to play so David had to explain a few basic rules. Hit the puck into the OPPOSITE team's goal! LOL not your own. Hockey is rough. Its for big boys. So if you dont want to play feel free to sit with mom and tori, but we are having fun here, no crying allowed :)

David enjoying a moment with Victoria while I get a chance to play. She was so amused by the whole shouting and cheering thing. She is not used to this much noise and commotion!
Here I got a chance to play. Nice hockey field huh? Its the perfect size, and walls all around. But we can only play when David takes this car to work, otherwise it will have to be on the back patio, without walls. And let me tell ya we need these walls, LOL.Boys taking a "jaritos break" we had lots of Mexican sodas left over from the birthday party. They like them a lot. David takes much nicer pictures than me ;)

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