Sunday, September 12, 2010

Not a chance we happened but a witha plan we were created

I was just thinking about the lesson I will be giving the boys in the morning. We have been having so much fun with school now that we have our new books. We start off with a lesson out of "little people" program for our devotions. Every night before I pre-read the next mornings lesson, and as I was reading this one I just thought how wonderful it is that my children and I are so blessed to be able to study and freely learn about our creator!!!

So this lesson has an illustration I am supposed to give, take 10 coins write the number 1 - 10 one them, lay them out in order so the children can see that I want them in this exact order. Then take them and toss them in the air and see where they land. NOT in the exact order that I wanted, do this a few times so they see that it is highly unlikely for them to land exactly in order, probably impossible.

This leads to a further discussion about how creation/ everything is so perfectly made exactly right with every detail. How slim the odds are that anything could line up exactly right in creation... LET ALONE the fact that EVERYTHING is lined up perfectly!!!! our God is so amazing.

It was so fun last night, I went to a fiesta in Independance and when it got late I took my children in the car and let them fall asleep a little earlier than David wanted to leave. The three little ones were fast asleep, and just Alex and I were awake watching the stars, when we both looked up at the sky at the same time and saw a shooting star and both looked at each other and saw it at the same time. I know he will remember that forever. A memory of something so fun to see as a child. I dont think I ever saw one before until this summer. Another thing I can bring up to discuss in the morning. How amazing everything is, and let them ponder on that...

"Thank you Father for every precious, beautiful thing you have made that my eye get the pleasure to look upon :) "

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