Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rose hip infused honey

Rose hip infused honey

I went out to my moms for a nice visit a week or two ago. While we were there we came across a rose bush with LOADS of rosehips, bright red, fully ripe!

So we picked ourselves a large bag full to experiment with. I have always wanted to try making something not only useful, but tastey too from them. So we picked off the dry crumbly flower remains, and just threw the whole bunch in my croc-pot with lots of water on LOW for two days. Then I drained off the juice into a bowl, put the rosehip remains in the blender with a little juice. Dumped the whole blob on a towel and squeezed every last drop out of it and into the bowl.

I then took all that wonderful, healthy juice and poured it into all my honey jars. Ratio probably 2 honey: 1 rosehip juice. Shook them up and put them in the fridge. Not sure how long they will last, or how I’m going to tell if it has gone bad. Following morning I made whole wheat pancakes, we slathered them in butter and rosehip infused honey. It was marvelous!!!! The children call it the yummy syrup J Hopefully I can go out there again next week and get another bag full. I want to just plop them in my food dryer and store a big batch of dried rose hips for more experimenting…

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